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Asin injured while saving a Kid

Asin’s career has taken an upward turn but the golden heart girl dosent let success get into her head. The Southern beauty proved that behind the beautiful and elegant looks, lies a noble heart, too.

Asin was passing by in her car when star saw a kid about to come in the way of speeding cars. She jumped and managed to shave the life of the boy. But in doing so, she fell on the road and got her hands injured. Having done her good-deed, she sped off.

Next morning Asin woke up with swollen and painful hands. She was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where the doctors diagnosed torn ligaments in both her hands.

“I woke up in the most acute pain. I couldn`t move either of my hands, not even to brush my teeth! They had gone numb. My biceps and triceps got affected and my hands had swollen to the sizes of balloons,” Asin said with a terrified laugh.

Asked whether the kid’s parents got in touch with her, she said, “Maybe they didn`t know who I was. But I didn`t do it to be thanked. I did what came naturally to me.”

Kudos to the brave actor!